
The LFIA kindergarten

The LFIA kindergarten accepts children from the age of two and a half. The programmes implemented are those of the French national education system.
In kindergarten, children acquire autonomy, knowledge and the skills that prepare them for primary school. They also develop rich and organised oral language skills.

Renowned for their teaching quality, the French kindergarten programs provide a subtle balance between personal development and the acquisition of fundamental abilities:

Pupils develop their linguistic skills

leurs compétences linguistiques

They are introduced to writing through drawing

l’écriture à travers le geste graphique

They develop motor skills

l’expression corporelle

They learn the basis of maths

(counting and resolving problems)

They become even more curious about the world around them

leur curiosité du monde qui les entoure

They develop their imagination and curiosity

leur imagination et leur créativité

Teaching model

It is in this spirit that the French International School of Antwerp has developed its teaching model, where learning is based on playful and interactive sequences (games, songs, nursery rhymes, handling objects, performances, museum visits etc.). Furthermore, our teaching methods favour encouragement with positive and constructive feedback (even in case of failure).

teaching methods

Taught by teachers supported by kindergarten assistants, the children grow and develop in a reassuring, stimulating and rewarding environment.

All kindergarten activities contribute to the harmonious development of the child’s potential.

French kindergartens have three levels: petite section (1st year), moyenne section (2nd year) and grande section (3rd year). Younger children from the age of two and a half can be accommodated in the toute petite section (pre-kindergarten).

After these three years, pupils will have acquired a solid basis which they will rely on to develop even more skills in primary school.

Start their future today!

Admissions for the 2024-2025 school year are open.